Thursday 19 April 2018

News morning... current 19/04/2018

Current for IAS preparation group..... ÃJIT PáNDEY.....


  • Prime Minister Narendra Modi says India will give befitting reply to terror exporters; Mr. Modi to attend Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting beginning today in London.
  • India and UK sign 10 agreements in several sectors including cyber-relationship and cleaning of Ganga.
  • 235 districts to be covered in second phase of Poshan Abhiyan aiming at reducing under nutrition in children and women.
  • Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu launches health scheme in  Assam offering free medical care up to two lakh rupees for every individual from weaker sections.
  • US blames Syria for obstructing the inspectors to reach sites of chemical attacks.
  • And in IPL Cricket, Kolkata Knight Riders beat Rajasthan Royals by seven wickets.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that India will not accept terrorism and will give a befitting reply to those who export terror. He was speaking at the 'Bharat Ki Baat, Sabke Saath' programme in London last night. Referring to the 2016 surgical strikes conducted across the Line of Control, Mr Modi said, India believes in peace but will respond strongly to those running terror factories.

"जब कोई टेरेरिज्म एक्सपोर्ट करने का उद्योग बना करके बैठा हो। मेरे देश के निर्दोषनागरिकों को मौत के घाट उतार दिया जाता होयुद्ध लड़ने की ताकत नहीं हैपीठपर वार करने के प्रयास होते होंतो ये मोदी है उसी भाषा में जवाब देना जानता है।हमारे जवानों को टेंट में सोये हुए को कुछ बुजदिल आकर उनको मौत की घाटउतारते हैं। क्या उनको ईंट का जवाब पत्थर से देना चाहिए कि नहीं देना चाहिए। औरइसलिए सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक किया।"

On recent incidents of rapes of minor girls in the country, he expressed grief and called it an evil of not just the individual but also of society. Terming it a matter of concern, Mr Modi said, such incidents should not be politicised.

"जब किसी छोटी बालिका पर बलात्कार होता हैलेकिन क्या हम ये कहेंगे कितु्म्हारी सरकार में इतने होते थेमेरी सरकार में इतने होते हैं। मैं समझता हूं इससेबड़ा गलत रास्ता नहीं होता। बलात्कारबलात्कार होता है। एक बेटी के साथ येअत्याचार कैसे सहन कर सकते हैं। और इसलिए मैंने लालकिले पर से नये तरीके सेइस विषय को प्रस्तुत किया। मैंने कहा अगर बेटी शाम को देर से आती है तो हर मां-बाप पूछते हैं कहां गई थीक्यों गई थी। अरे बेटियों को तो सब पूछ रहे होकभी बेटोंको तो पूछो कहां गये थे।"....

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